Fort Worth DWI Defense Attorney
Aggressive Defense Against DWI & DUI Charges in Texas
Being arrested for DWI or DUI in Fort Worth can be a life-altering experience and cause trouble for you and your family for years to come.
If convicted, you will carry a permanent criminal record that can cause stress with friends and family, difficulties with employment opportunities and financial stability, and can lead to even harsher penalties for any future convictions. Penalties for DWI in Texas are stiff, and prosecutions are vigorously pursued.
Learn how we can help with drunk driving cases involving:
- Administrative licenses
- DWI penalties
- Field sobriety tests
- First DWI offenses
- Multiple DWI offenses
- Occupational Driver's Licenses
Are you facing a DWI charge in Texas? Call The Alband Law Firm today at (817) 997-4366 or contact us online to schedule a meeting.
Texas DWI Laws
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious crime in the state of Texas. The laws regarding DWI (driving while intoxicated) and DUI (driving under the influence) are outlined in the Texas Penal Code. In order to be convicted of a DWI or DUI, the prosecution must prove that the driver was operating a motor vehicle in a public place while impaired by alcohol or drugs or that their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was above the legal limit.
The legal limit for BAC in Texas is .08% for drivers 21 and older, .04% for commercial drivers, and .01% for drivers under 21. However, even if a driver's BAC is below the legal limit, they can still be arrested and charged with DWI or DUI if the officer has probable cause to believe the driver is impaired.
The determining factor of if you are DWI is if you are unable to operate a vehicle safely due to the ingestion of drugs or alcohol, regardless of the actual level of alcohol in your bloodstream
It is important to note that Texas has an "implied consent" law, which means that any person operating a motor vehicle on a public road has consented to a chemical test of their breath, blood or urine if they are arrested on suspicion of DWI or DUI. Refusal to submit to a chemical test can result in additional penalties.
What are the Penalties for DWI in Texas?
When possible, it is always best to use a designated driver or to call a friend or a cab for a ride, as penalties can be severe for DWI convictions and can get progressively harsher with multiple DWI arrests.
First-time DWI conviction:
- Fines up to $2,000
- Up to 6 months in prison
- One year of license suspension
Second DWI conviction:
- Fines up to $10,000
- Up to 6 months in prison
- Two years of license suspension.
- Installation of an Ignition Interlock Device
Third DWI conviction:
- Fines up to $10,000
- Up to 10 years in prison
- Two years of license suspension
- Installation of an Ignition Interlock Device
Defenses Available Against a DWI Charge
Most defenses against DWI charges stem from police mistakes. Here are some:
- The policeman stops you based on an anonymous phone call. He must know who it was who called.
- A policeman stops you on a hunch with no objective reason.
- The technician fails to follow the Department of Public Safety's rules in administrating the alcohol testing.
- The policeman stops you for a violation you did not commit.
- The policeman stops you for driving too slowly but can name no specific code violation you violated.
- You are arrested based on your statements alone with no other evidence of your guilt.
- The policeman stops you for no other reason than to check driver license and car registration.
All these mistakes and more may result in dismissal!
Contact Our DWI Lawyer Today
Letting your legal rights remain unprotected and risking your future livelihood isn't worth it. Our skilled DWI attorney at The Alband Law Firm can provide you with clear answers, exemplary legal representation, and years of experience in dealing with DWI defense. We will work diligently for your case and work for the best outcome possible.
Whenever you are facing criminal charges in Texas, you have inalienable rights after an arrest including:
- The right to remain silent (you don't have to tell anyone how many drinks you had).
- The right against self-incrimination.
- The right to speak to an attorney before answering questions and the right to have an attorney present if you choose to answer questions.
- The right against unlawful searches and seizures.
- The right to know what you are being charged with.
- The right to bail if it's allowed under the law.
Frequently Asked Questions About DWI Offenses
Should I Plead Guilty?
Many decide to be apathetic about their case and plead guilty. This is only sometimes the best approach; what if there were compelling defense possibilities? What if law enforcement had failed to administer the tests, making them invalid correctly?
Never make a plea in a DWI case without consulting a lawyer to determine how to proceed. Wait to discuss your case with anyone or answer questions at the scene or the police facility until your attorney is there to protect your rights.
Will my License be Suspended?
When you are arrested and charged with a DWI in our state, your license is automatically suspended 15 days after you are charged. The length of time of the suspension varies depending upon several factors: your blood alcohol content (BAC), your previous convictions on DWI, and whether an accident, injury, or death occurred in the incident.
There are immediate steps that can be taken to assist you in fighting to avoid the suspension of your license. This activity should be initiated in conjunction with your DWI defense.
What do I do if I am Stopped for Suspicion of Drunk Driving?
Many people make serious blunders when stopped by the police. The most significant error you can make is answering questions from law enforcement. You are being videotaped to gather evidence against you. There is only one goal: conviction.
If a friendly law enforcement officer wants to discuss your case, you should know that he or she is merely gathering evidence to turn over to the prosecutor. In such cases, there is no such thing as a friendly police officer, and they are not there to help you.
Isn't it Cheaper to Plead Guilty?
When you add up the damages, you will face a DWI conviction; having a skilled lawyer is cheaper than you think. What if you plan to advance your career in your field, and you now have a DWI conviction on your record?
You can be sure that future employers consider the stability of those they hire, and you can significantly damage your future employment by having a DWI conviction on your permanent criminal record, not to mention the increased costs of insurance, fines, and other costs associated with a sentence.
Contact The Alband Law Firm today to schedule a FREE consultation with our DWI attorney in Fort Worth!

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