Restoration of a Driver's License
When you have had your driver's license suspended or revoked, you know how difficult life becomes. You are forced to take public transportation, taxis or count on friends or relatives to take you from place to place. Getting your driver's license restored to you becomes of ultimate concern. If you have lost your license through a DWI conviction, it is possible that something can be done about it with the help of a lawyer. License suspension or revocation takes place through the Department of Public Safety. In some cases, individuals convicted of a DWI can get a license for restricted use (ODL or Occupational Driver's License), and if you need to drive to get to work or school, our attorney at The Alband Law Firm can assist in representing you at a hearing requesting the return of your license for restricted use.
DWI cases and Driver's License Restoration
In some cases in which an individual is accused of DWI, a successful challenge can be made at an ALR (Administrative License Revocation) hearing. When a DWI case has compelling evidence for the defense of the case, and many do, this evidence can be presented at an ALR hearing requesting that your license is restored to you. Our legal team has assisted countless clients in this process, and has successfully assisted them to avoid a suspended license due to a DWI arrest. We also provide experienced representation in the criminal court part of the DWI offense.
One factor in our state is the requirement to move quickly. You have only 15 days from the time of your arrest to request the ALR hearing. Most individuals would not know how to schedule, much less address the matter of reinstating their driver's license at such a hearing. Our legal team is very experienced in assisting clients in reinstating their license, whether lost through a DWI, traffic issues or other situation. We will give you an honest and straightforward answer about your individual case and restoring your legal right to drive.
We urge you to contact us and discuss your situation.

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