Fort Worth Drug Manufacturing Defense Attorney
Regarding Manufacturing Drugs
Finding oneself charged with manufacturing drugs can be a very intimidating experience. A person can be caught up in this kind of a situation accidentally by through visiting someone who, unknown to you, is manufacturing drugs, having a roommate or relative living with you, or you rented a home to someone who unbeknownst to you manufactures drugs.
However your arrest comes about, you are now in serious trouble and trying to explain your innocence to police officers, investigators or prosecutors will not help. They are only interested in anything which may help to prove guilt. Don't try to handle this situation without the advice and assistance of an experienced Fort Worth drug crime defense attorney. The legal team at our firm takes a very aggressive approach to representing clients charged with drug crimes.
Manufacturing Lawyer in Fort Worth
Recent statistics show that approximately 20,000 arrests for drug manufacturing and sales are occurring annually in Texas. Less than 5 % are juveniles and approximately 80% are male. There are no reliable statistics as to how many of those arrested were innocent of any involvement. Investigators will be looking for evidence that the drugs and manufacturing equipment belongs to you, that you are part of a conspiracy to manufacture or grow or that you know the tenant, roommate or child was manufacturing drugs or growing marijuana. Whatever you say will be used to help their case. Let an experienced manufacturing lawyer speak for you who is committed to protecting your future and your assets.
Investigators usually locate "meth labs", marijuana grow houses, and other manufacturing facilities through informants. They usually spend a short amount of time on surveillance before starting their search and seizure. Where a prosecutor can show that you were in any way involved in an agreement to manufacture you may be facing an additional charge of conspiracy to manufacture or cultivate drugs. Each separate charge carries hefty fines and lengthy prison sentences. Take effective action immediately to protect your future. Call The Alband Law Firm for a consultation with a skilled drug crime defense lawyer and start building your defense.

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